This is EVERY CLIP from the FroKnowsPhoto DSLR Video Guide Click Here for more information pertaining to the Fro DSLR Video Guide.

What you see in the video and in the image down below is the entire FroKnowsPhoto DSLR Video Guide. All the clips add up to 24 hours worth of footage.

We shot for eight days many of which were 12 hour days. In comparison to the second guide we shot three days longer which means there is a ton of information we in this guide.

This guide had to be longer and more detailed than anything I have put out before. This topic alone has to revisit the fundamentals of the exposure triangle but as it pertains to video.

I encourage you to click the image below and view it at its fullest size to check out each thumbnail. You are going to see stills from the loft as well as a bunch on location. The location shoots are packed full of real world situations.

One tidbit about shooting this guide is that we were doing a video shoot inside a video shoot. We had a film crew capturing everything that Todd and I were filming. That made for a lot of intricate execution and planning on our part.

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