The Personal Project as the Professional Tool

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When anyone can claim to be a photographer, differentiating yourself as a professional is harder than ever. A social media presence and a web site (or two) are required just to keep up. The best way to separate from the crowd is to develop, promote and disseminate a personal project. Each project is unique to the individual, but successful projects that carry over from the personal to the professional realm showcase the photographer's skills and help end-users know the photographer's personality.

David is going to take you through the evolution of his project "Foreclosed Dreams." He started with a vague idea and ended up with a body of work that has been featured in numerous publications, exhibitions and web-site profiles including the N.Y. Times Lensblog and the ABC News website. He has also made money off the project while using it to get more work.

David worked to make sure his projects dovetailed with larger political and cultural themes, ensuring wide dissemination of the work. Though David will be talking specifically about his"Foreclosed Dreams" project, from the start to the present, he will draw on his decades of experience working as a self-employed photographer to share his larger strategies for developing and disseminating the all important personal project.