The Evolution of My Gear, with Zack Arias Trailer
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Have you ever suffered from G.A.S. (gear acquisition syndrome)? You are not alone! Join Zack Arias at his Atlanta studio as he shares the story of his relationship to gear; from where he started to how that relationship has evolved over the years based on his skills, assignments, and needs. It is a story we can all relate to, whether beginner or seasoned pro. In the end, it all boils down to camera, lens, and light.
Have you ever suffered from G.A.S. (gear acquisition syndrome)? You are not alone! Join Zack Arias at his Atlanta studio as he shares the story of his relationship to gear; from where he started to how that relationship has evolved over the years based on his skills, assignments, and needs. It is a story we can all relate to, whether beginner or seasoned pro. In the end, it all boils down to camera, lens, and light.
11.10.2013 21:58:27
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Kelby One