Photo Critique - Episode 3

Photo critiques are very popular on my website, - so much so, I've decided to make them in video form.

A photo critique is when photographers send me in their best work, 3-10 photos, and I offer some constructive criticism on how they can improve their photography.

This is a quick way for all of us to learn a little about photography while enjoying the work of some talented people.

Today I critique the work of Anthony Guerrero

Anthony has only been into photography since this past June. In this video critique I offer some thoughts on how Anthony can improve his shots by improving his focus, framing and composition.

If you're interested in having me critique your work, information on how to send me images can be found here:

Parts 1 & 2 of Photo Critiques can be seen here:

Part 1 - Peter Henderson:

Part 2 - Anthony Morganti (ME!):