Nikon Df Preview

I had a chance to sit with this camera for thirty minuets and see what it's all about. First things first it is a DSLR with a nikon D4 sensor in it. It has 39 auto focus points and shoots 5.5 frames per second. It takes an SD card and smaller battery than you would think. The reason being is it does not shoot video at all.

This is a retro styled camera with one of the best sensors ever made. But, is that enough to get people to fork over $2,749.95 for manual dials and knobs? Nikon must think so or they would not have unleashed this bad boy.

If you have a ton of old AI or AI-S lenses you will be happy to know that you can use them on this camera and get metering. Just flick a little lever in the mount and boom, your ready to go.

Is this camera for you or will you take a pass?

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