MAKE MONEY WITH PHOTOGRAPHY - How to start a photography business

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Here are my best tips to get started making money with photography

1. Be confident that you are capable of doing professional interior or real estate photography
If you are not - check out this free videos


or get my full training on interior design here 🎓

2. Have a website with very little photos only your best!

I recommend Squarespace, you check out this video


3. Locate all the hotels and real estate agency in your region

Using site like and to find out and get a list of all the hotels or real estate agencies in your area. In the US you can also go directly to meet an agent on their open houses and show your work

4. Optional if you do not have a portfolio ask them to take photos for free to build one

5. Before you give up you have to speak to at least 200 real estate agencies and or hotels

A lot of people give up without really trying this will force of you to do a minimum of promotions before quitting

6. Use my Price Guide to get started download it here ➡️

It gives you an idea in US dollars on how much you can charge

7. Post all your work on social media to show that you are working and to grow your following
You can even do behind the scene videos that shows you working

If you want to know more join me on my next 🆓 webinar

Here are some example of students of mine that have become very successful

example of successful students