How to Photograph Vintage America with Bill Fortney Trailer

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Join outdoor photographer and author Bill Fortney for an immersive trip through vintage auto Americana as he explores over 6 miles of trails filled with old cars, trucks, and the many other things that can be found at Old Car City, located about 45 minutes outside Atlanta, GA. There are classic treasures at every turn and Bill walks you through his gear, philosophy, and techniques for shooting on this kind of special self-assignment. From wide environmental portraits of a rusting DeSoto to up-close and personal gritty macros of decaying hood ornaments, Bill digs deep and shares from his wealth of tips and tricks to inspire you to get out to your nearest junkyard and have your own photographic adventure.

Join outdoor photographer and author Bill Fortney for an immersive trip through vintage auto Americana as he explores over 6 miles of trails filled with old cars, trucks, and the many other things that can be found at Old Car City, located about 45 minutes outside Atlanta, GA. There are classic treasures at every turn and Bill walks you through his gear, philosophy, and techniques for shooting on this kind of special self-assignment. From wide environmental portraits of a rusting DeSoto to up-close and personal gritty macros of decaying hood ornaments, Bill digs deep and shares from his wealth of tips and tricks to inspire you to get out to your nearest junkyard and have your own photographic adventure.

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