Extract CSS and Images from a Photoshop PSD in the Browser | Adobe Creative Cloud

Extract (preview) reduces the friction when going from a PSD to a code-based design. Evangelist Paul Trani shows how to extract vital content like images, text, CSS, colors, gradients, positioning and more. All from a PSD that is displayed in a browser. This same PSD can be shared with anyone via Creative Cloud and they don't need to be a Creative Cloud member to see and extract what they need from the Photoshop file.

Try it for yourself now! http://adobe.com/go/extract_video

Or visit the help page for more information: http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/extract-css-images-psd-files.html

More Photoshop tutorials on helpx.adobe.com: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/tutorials.html?sdid=H822XTMZ&mv=social

Learn how to take great photos and make them even better. Preview world-class photography classes from CreativeLive: https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/training/photography.html?sdid=H822XTMZ

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