Enhance Mood and Contrast in Lightroom | Adobe Creative Cloud
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See how photographer Gustavo Minas turns everyday moments into beautiful images. He starts with a Profile, adjusts color, perspective, highlights and shadows, and fine-tunes contrast to add life to his photos.
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Adobe Creative Cloud gives you the world's best creative apps so you can turn your brightest ideas into your greatest work across your desktop and mobile devices.
See how photographer Gustavo Minas turns everyday moments into beautiful images. He starts with a Profile, adjusts color, perspective, highlights and shadows, and fine-tunes contrast to add life to his photos.
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/adobecreativecloud?sub_confirmation=1
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Twitter: http://twitter.com/creativecloud
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/adobecreativecloud/
Adobe Creative Cloud gives you the world's best creative apps so you can turn your brightest ideas into your greatest work across your desktop and mobile devices.