El Retrato de Autor | Pepe Castro
En el taller del Retrato, el fotografo Pepe Castro ofrecio una lectura donde nos conto su vision del retrato y las claves que el maneja para conseguir su excelente resultados.
Al dia siguiente te invitamos a que asistas al taller en el Event Space de B&H en el que podras poner en practica todos los secretos de su tecnica de iluminacion y composicion. Solo necesitas traer su camara y un lente, te esperamos, no te lo pierda
Why are there some portraits that attract so much attention? What secrets do the great portrait makers possess that their images make us stop and think about the picture?
In this video, photographer Pepe Castro talks about his vision for shooting portraits and key points that he uses to achieve excellent results.
Pepe Castro Fotógrapho
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Al dia siguiente te invitamos a que asistas al taller en el Event Space de B&H en el que podras poner en practica todos los secretos de su tecnica de iluminacion y composicion. Solo necesitas traer su camara y un lente, te esperamos, no te lo pierda
Why are there some portraits that attract so much attention? What secrets do the great portrait makers possess that their images make us stop and think about the picture?
In this video, photographer Pepe Castro talks about his vision for shooting portraits and key points that he uses to achieve excellent results.
Pepe Castro Fotógrapho
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