Concentrate on the Picture: An Afternoon With George Diebold and His Images

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George Diebold Photography:
Become a better photographer by concentrating on what you're shooting. George's lecture consists of a visual presentation of his images, as well as a discussion on how he works, how he generate ideas, and how he uses color and composition to create pictures. This informal interaction with the audience will draw upon his career based here in New Jersey as well as Hawaii, shooting for corporations, creating stock photography and doing fine art work. Any serious photographer, especially students who intend to pursue a career in photography, should benefit from this presentation. Unlike other technically slanted presentations, George intends to concentrate more on finding images, seeing images that already exist, and bringing ideas to completion. He discusses the importance of creating a personal signature style. This presentation is definitely not about the computer or software applications. Ideally, he would like the viewers to leave with a greater understanding of discovering the visuals that already exist all around them.