10 Qualities you need to be a Design Recruitment Agency freelance designer

So up to this point, I have been chatting about some of the introduction topics to Design Recruitment Agency freelance.

Now we know what it is and how it works. It’s time to talk a bit more about what it takes to become a Design Recruitment Agency freelancer.

Now some of you watching, maybe full-time employed, or solo freelance and maybe interested in getting into Design Recruitment Agency freelance.

In this video, I am going to list some of the qualities you will need to be successful.



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Download for FREE PDF from the series overview video here:


This video is part of a 10 part series:


Design Recruitment Agency Freelance - An Introduction


GD Studio

"I'm Gareth David, a freelance creative specialising in design for logo identity & branding. I am currently based in London UK with over 12 years experience in the design industry with a passion for sharing knowledge and teaching.

I have created this channel to share my experience and give some advice to aspiring designers at any level who wish to find out more about Graphic Design and the industry.

So have fun guys and be creative!"

#graphicdesign #designfreelance #freelance